University of Chicago Photo Upload System

Detailed Instructions

University departments may request Faculty/Staff/Student pictures to be used for official University business.

Step 1-Take Your Photo
Step 1 of 5

Remember that this card will act as official identification so your photo must meet the following guidelines:

  • Background should be plain white or off-white
  • Photos must be in color
  • That you are directly facing and looking the camera
  • High-resolution photography is strongly recommended
  • Do not have any other object or person in the picture
  • Photo must be taken in the last 6 months and must be in likeness of your current appearance

We reserve the right to refuse any photo that does not meet these guidelines.

Detailed examples can be seen here.

STEP 2- Upload Your Photo
Step 2 of 5

Verify that your name and your ID are correct and then select a photo to upload. Click “Browse” to search your computer for your photo. Once you have selected the file, press the ‘next’ button to upload your photo.

STEP 3- Edit Your Photo
Step 3 of 5

If you need to, you can use this online tool to crop or resize your photo. After you have finished, you will be able to compare your photo with a sample provided. When you are satisfied with your photo, continue to Step 4. You may also choose to remove the file and start over with a new photo. 

STEP 4- Preview Your Photo
Step 4 of 5

Preview and compare your photo with the sample photo provided. Click on the radio button that answers the following question:

Does your photo format look like the given example?

If you selected yes, continue to the next paragraph that explains your acceptance and understanding of submitting your photo using this online tool:

Click on the box that says “Submit Photo”. This will upload your photo to be reviewed and printed onto your new card.

Step 5-Finalize
Step 5 of 5

If your photo has been uploaded successfully, the confirmation message shown below will appear containing your tracking number:

A confirmation message will display to confirm the successful upload